We have discussed and observed that how these frauds have been effecting our country people and earning so far. Now let's have a look on what is the actual strategy these people use to influence people and how they have concreted their foundations of their business empire.

The plan out is quite simple-:

Firstly, they along with a sum of their 5-10 followers open their organization and name it "Ashram" or Whatsoever they want to give.

Then, out of 100, atleast 20 people in our country are such who actually enter this place (because of fear, or because of hopelessness which they create due to their bad condition).

The Staff (Fake Followers/Managers of that Sadhu) attend them and emphasize as If this Baba is very good, and his scriptures and sayings and techniques actually work, & attendees actually get satisfied , they start feeling great about that particular Baba or Mahasadhu. And they ask for a huge some of money for getting work done and those victims actually are so stupid, that they get ready to pay! & My dear friends, not only this, they even ask our women for, something which we all know the biggest reason for harassing them, and forlon, fool women even get ready for that! :(

The Sadhu tells/ uses Irrelevant techniques and tell to perform stupid activities assuring their work will be done.

Now the actual thing is to be observed my friends- Out of 20 people, its a 100% surity that atleast of atleast 4-5 people will actually have got their work done/they would have got what they wanted- and that's for sure, but but but-Not because of that baba's stupid sayings or activities or superstitions ony basically which he told to those people to do, but because of their (people's)self faith, believe and positivity. Baba is not even singe percent responsible for that success, rather people themselves are, because of their own faith, but what those people think, that this Baba is great, he has only made this work successful, I mean come-on how can (say) Rotating a Piece of gold will give you 10 lakh Rupees or will make you healthy!! This stupid mindset of people needs to get eliminated. Anyways, what happens after that is- Getting satisfied that their work got done, those 4-5 people (or actually I shall say those fool people)start praising baba, worshiping him like lord, and call another more 100's of people and again that Baba gives irrelevant techniques and again another 50-60 people get their work done and this cycle continuously goes on, and In a month or even less than that- a big empire of that particular Maha Sadhu or Baba gets stronger and getting satisfied people even give them gold, silver, and even very very huge amounts of cash, and this fake worship goes on, and our women keep on getting exploited! 

Now tell me friends! Is it good? Is it relevant to follow such people? Is it relevant for India getting poorer and poorer because of such people? Obviously Not ! And this needs to be taken to a dead end ! These frauds need to get eliminated out of our Society at any cost, and that can be done only and only by awareness, self-believe and protesting in "Effective and Relevant" Ways! & That's what The Actual Freedom does! To make this country, a better and peaceful place to live in! And friends, this is not at all a difficult or bookish work, its a serious and possible thing we all together can to as a "TEAM"! BECAUSE "TEAM" STANDS FOR:-


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