We have discussed so far about such babas, sadhus and fraud people, who make common and poor people stupid and earn money. Friends, tell me one thing seriously, don't you feel bad after hearing such tragic and bad incidents with these babas and we people? Tell me honestly, don't you think this is something very serious and a matter of concern, especially in our today's society, where all the people are blindly following such people, and are worshiping them? You know, I seriously feel very bad about the victims of such tragedies and seriously get only one thought in my mind about such people- to kill them and remove their traces out of this country. I even collected views of some people before starting my this revolution, and you know, I got that from every 10 people, 6 were in favor of eliminating these people out of society, and out of remaining 4, 2 were in favor of those babas and other 2 were not at all interested in doing any serious action or giving them punishment. Now that was the point I caught! This is the actual problem of our society- people don't want to do anything against any cause and second thing- People who strongly believe priests and babas told me that they are very effective and even they offered me to join them! But you know what- these babas; I don't know what kind of effect they have done on our people, on our present generation, that kids are praying babas for getting good marks in examination, rather than studying or looking forward for good guidance. (Well am again reminding you that not all priests and babas are fraud, but friends Maximum of them are fraud and very very few of remaining are those who are really good and concerned ones!) Even you know, I met one interesting personality, who told that all babas are very spiritual and truthful and was in favor of people like Asaram Bapu- still after his arrest!! In his opinion, he said that these babas are doing such things so that they can earn for themselves for a good living- And then I made him understood- Even if he is doing such for earning his good standard and service- how they can make people so much fraud, to a extinct that no one can even imagine, and even so then how they are exploiting our ladies!? You know what friends, these are the things that are to really think upon, and even for some instance you get a hit that these babas are good, then I would suggest you to think deeply inside and then tell me. 

Another doubt I got to know, that how priests can be frauds. Well, i have given a very clear justification of this thing in my earlier blogs that- These people (Not all but some priests)slowly and gradually make people scared or I should say control them with their such woes and curses that people get forced to do take their help. And yes friends- a very important thing that I just got- You know who is also equally responsible for such fraudness and superstitions popularity amongst 80 % of Indians?- These myths and sayings from older past generations.


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