Friends, now we’ll be discussing that, “where these superstitions have actually taken us!” Well, you must have thought that we are discussing about so much of superstitions, what are they and all that stuff, and I know you must be having a question, “Even if we practice these superstitions, then what’s the harm in it?” Well friends If there was no harm in practicing these superstitions, then I guess I would haven’t be writing this book at all. These superstitions have actually taken us very far away, far away from ourselves and far away from this world. There are so much harmful effects of practicing superstitions, and those who do so, they know it very well. Do you know, these superstitions affect our character and traits badly, how; when we use these superstitions against others to take revenge, and this you all should realize? In this way it even affects the fraternity among us!

And this superstition of black magic especially is an example for my above statement, about which you’ll read in later section. Now I think by my example you can associate the things, right? This was the first shocking effect, apart from this, do you know about the biggest effect of these superstitions, do you know how these superstitions have done to us actually? These superstitions have taken us far away from achieving our country, our goal of being a developed nation. People of our country are not developed, they are not able to live their life properly and are not even able to fulfil their basic needs, which one requires to love well; and what’s the reason behind all this, What’s the major cause behind this, Superstitions! Now a very important question, How? Well, the answer for this is;

“People who practice superstition have a great belief in their remedies, this we all know very well. And we are also familiar with this fact that about 85-90% people in India are greatly involved in superstitions, and you know, that’s is why majority of these people get affected with them.
Now, Some cruel and clever people (Basically priests) they take opportunity of this fact! They think that people are so much into this thing, so why not to take some benefit of this. And so they influence all those people and tell them such things, by which they get afraid and ask for remedies, and here, these people get benefit by earning money from these people, and this is how our people, our country is getting effected badly. This is how superstition has become not only a social widespread concern for the people of our society, our country, but also, it has become one of the biggest Business empire in our country (go anywhere in the country, meet any multi-millionaire friends, but let me tell you very clearly, the one who’ll be the richest of all will be none other than our Priests! (not all). Do you think am I right or not? ) And now you can associate how poor people gets badly affected by these superstitions and get influenced by such people, and get bankrupt in just a second! And this is how friends our country, our nation India is not developing at all!”

And, if looking forward about these priests (some cruel priests), then I guess we shall find a full encyclopaedia of different ways of their exploitation and bad deeds (this you must have read about in newspapers


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