Hey Guys
yesterday we discussed about what are these superstitious beliefs and some of the common beliefs practised by people.Today i would like to describe more about these beliefs and i would give a brief explanation about some of them:


The folklore surrounding black cats varies from culture to culture. In Great Britain, black cats are seen as lucky and are often given in token form to brides. The Scottish believe that a strange black cat's arrival to the home signifies prosperity. In Celtic mythology, a fairy known as the Cat Sìth takes the form of a black cat. Black cats are also considered good luck in Japan. Furthermore, it is believed that a lady who owns a black cat will have many suitors. However in Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches, and so most of western and southern Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, especially if one crosses paths with a person, which is believed to be an omen of misfortune and death. In Germany, some believe that black cats crossing a person's path from right to left, is a bad omen. But from left to right, the cat is granting favourable times.

The gambling world is afraid of black cats: it is believed that if, while travelling to a casino, a black cat crosses a gambler's road or path, that person should not go to the casino; most players believe that black cats bring bad luck.


Eye twitch is rather common. It’s felt on the eyelid or around the eye. Eye twitching can occur due to slight muscle spasms around the eyelid which may be caused due to muscle fatigue in surrounding areas or because of a prevalent medical condition. Though there is sufficient medical terminology and explanation backing involuntary muscle twitches, superstition in regard with this phenomenon is scaling new heights. This article showcases superstitions associated with left eye twitching.
Superstition about eye twitching is not new. Various, beliefs, myths, age-old-legends and theories are associated with left eye and right twitch. While left eye twitching is considered a bad omen in many European cultures, in many Asian cultures it’s a sign of good luck and prosperity, yeah! a good omen. Same is the case with right eye twitch. In ancient China left eye twitching was given significant importance. In various cultures superstitions and beliefs associated with left eye twitching is based upon gender and the time of day the twitch occurs. Age old beliefs and superstitions about left eye twitch and right eye twitch are hugely popular even today in several European, Asian, African and Hawaiian cultures. While in many cultures left eye twitching is considered auspicious, in some cultures it is considered as a bad sign or inauspicious. 
Given below is a list of left eye twitching 
Good Omen-When left eye twitching occurs…belief is
1. Good luck is by your side.
2. You will soon be receiving money.
3. Somebody is going to share good news with you, usually associated with a baby being born.
4. Your worries will leave you.
5. A stranger will come into your life bringing you joy and happiness.
6. You will soon be married.
7. You will meet your soulmate.
8. You will handle difficult situations well and become a responsible person.
9. There will be a feast and celebration soon, often associated with achievement.
10. All your plans will be carried out smoothly.
11. You will be invited to meet individuals of high authority.
12. You will delegate responsibility to others.
13. You will be calm and patient in the future.

Bad Omen- When left eye twitching occurs…belief is
1. A close associate or family member is talking about you or gossiping.
2. An uninvited guest will come over and stay with you and affect your life in a bad way.
3. A death may occur in the family.
4. You are likely to lose your job in the near future.
5. You will get into an argument with a family member or friend that would lead to severed ties.
6. You will shed tears and sorrow will spread its wings over you.
7. You are going to suffer a huge loss in regard with money, usually associated with finances and business.
8. Your relationship will face stormy weather, marriage may end.
9. Your past secrets will be revealed.
10. Your plans will be ruined by the person you dislike.
11. You will be in the midst of conspiracy.
12. Someone is planning and plotting against you. 
13. You will run into debt.


Belief in the evil eye is found in Islamic doctrine, based upon the statement of Muhammad, "The influence of an evil eye is a fact..." [Sahih Muslim, Book 26, Number 5427].[8] Authentic practices of warding off the evil eye are also commonly practiced by Muslims: rather than directly expressing appreciation of, for example, a child's beauty, it is customary to sayMasha'Allah, that is, "God has willed it," or invoking God's blessings upon the object or person that is being admired.[9] A number of beliefs about the evil eye are also found in folk religion, typically revolving around the use of amulets or talismans as a means of protection.but that's just useless.I dont know why people follow it guys !

MY GOD GUYS THIS IS RIDICULOUS I MEAN ITS TOO MUCH WHY PEOPLE ARE ALWAYS PRACTISING THIS ?according to me it should not be practised even once because its all the matter of our self confidence and a strong belief on us not on this SUPERSTITIONS!


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