Friends, now this is something really interesting to know about:- A godman wants to show that he is superior to you. He wants to demonstrate something that is against the laws of nature. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but if a godman waves his hand in the air and produces a gold ring or scared ash, you think that it is a miracle. That is how they build up gullibility among the people. If I can produce ash from thin air, I can also cure cancer or if I can walk on fire, I can cure your aliments. This is seriously so stupid isin't it? Or if I can keep burning camphor on my tongue, then whatever my tongue says is true. These are the messages that go out to the people. The message is while you are ordinary, the godman is extraordinary and has extraordinary powers. Our flagship programme is to expose this. . So, especially in the urban areas, they have taken on new techniques like breathing methods, miracle concoctions, quackery, or just "mumbo-jumbo" using s...